processing inline images in Salesforce

18 June 2024

590 words

4 min

Front end view of a posted inline image

There aren’t a lot of great tutorials about how the <lightning-input-rich-text> element takes an user-uploaded inline image and how to handle the image in Apex such that you can use the image.


Before we start, ensure you have:

  • A Salesforce Developer Edition or Sandbox org
  • Basic understanding of LWC and Apex
  • Proper permissions to create and deploy Apex classes and LWC components

HTML Template (chatterPost.html)

    placeholder="Share an update..."

The <lightning-input-rich-text> element contains the formats attribute which allows you to pass in the rich text formats of your choosing.

Make sure you include image so that you can use Salesforce’s built in functionality to add an inline image to the rich text.

The issue I faced when I was implementing this was how Salesforce processes the inline image in the HTML string. The image presents itself in the HTML string in the form <img src="someLocalLinkWithAnImageRefId">.

In the next section, you will see how we can utilize this link in JavaScript.

Simple enough so far.

Lightning Web Component (chatterPost.js)

postContent = ''; //updated by <lightning-input-rich-text>

getImgInfo(htmlString) {
    const IMG_REGEX = /<img.*?src="(.*?refid=([^"&]+))".*?>/g;

    let imgUrls = [];
    let imgRefIds = [];

    //format string to prepare for Apex call
    let updatedHtmlString = htmlString.replace( 
        (matchedSubstring, imgUrl, imgRefId) => {
            return `{img:${imgRefId}}`;

    return {
        imgUrls: imgUrls,
        imgRefIds: imgRefIds,
        updatedHtmlString: updatedHtmlString

Using regex, you can extract the image’s local URL and refId. In this tutorial, we’ll only make use of the image’s URL.

Now prepare a wrapper to call Apex:

createPostFeedElementWrapper() {
    let imgInfo = this.getImgInfo(this.postContent);
    let htmlStringWithImgInfo = imgInfo.updatedHtmlString;

    let postFeedWrapper = new Object(); = {
        htmlContent: htmlStringWithImgInfo,
        inlineImgUrls: imgInfo.imgUrls,
        inlineImgRefIds: imgInfo.imgRefIds

    let inputWrapper = new Object();
    inputWrapper.inputObj = JSON.stringify(postFeedWrapper);

    return inputWrapper;

JavaScript call to Apex

I’m going to omit this part of the tutorial (sorry I need more content) as the main focus is processing the inline image.

But yeah, send that input wrapper to Apex.

Apex (callThisFileWhateverYouWant.cls)

public class InputWrapper {
    public String inputObj { get; set; }

public static void postInlineImage(String inputWrapperJSON) {
    // Parse the JSON string into Apex class
    InputWrapper inputWrapper = (InputWrapper) JSON.deserialize(inputWrapperJSON, InputWrapper.class);
    //Holds multiple content versions of the potentially multiple inline images
    List<ContentVersion> contentVersions = new List<ContentVersion>();

    for (Integer i = 0; i < inputWrapper.inlineImgRefIds.size(); i++) {
        String imgRefId = inputWrapper.inlineImgRefIds[i];
        String imgUrl = inputWrapper.inlineImgUrls[i];

        PageReference page = new PageReference(imgUrl);
        Blob imgBlob = page.getContent();

        ContentVersion imgContentVersion = new ContentVersion();
        imgContentVersion.Title = imgRefId;
        imgContentVersion.VersionData = imgBlob;
        imgContentVersion.PathOnClient = '/' + imgRefId + '.jpeg';


    insert contentVersions;

    List<Id> contentVersionIds = new List<Id>();
    for (ContentVersion cv : contentVersions) {

    List<ContentVersion> contentVersionsWithDocumentIds = [
        SELECT Title, ContentDocumentID
        FROM ContentVersion
        WHERE Id 
        IN : contentVersionIds

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