My boss once said to me
If I asked you to get me 100 plates from the kitchen, would you:
- Go to the kitchen, grab 1 plate and repeat 100 times
- Go to the kitchen and grab 100 plates
It stuck with me ever since.
I learned about Bulkification in a Salesforce context, where we don’t set our own governor limits. What this means is we can only use Apex and SOQL to retrieve records under a certain amount, and if we go over that amount we have to pay extra.
Grabbing 1 plate at a time
Here’s an example of what I used to do:
public class Kitchen {
public void grabPlates(List<String> plates) {
for (String plateName : plates) {
// Grab 1 plate at a time
Plate plate = [SELECT Name, Status FROM Plate WHERE Name = :plateName LIMIT 1];
plate.Status = 'Grabbed';
//Give 1 plate at a time
give plate;
Now my boss had an issue with this because it’s not efficient, why grab one plate at a time when you can grab all 100?
Grabbing all 100 plates at once
Here’s the better way of doing it:
public class Kitchen {
public void grabPlates(List<String> plates) {
// Get ready to grab all the plates
List<Plate> platesToGrab = [SELECT Name, Status FROM Plate WHERE Name IN :plates];
// Grab all the plates
for (Plate plate : plates) {
plate.Status = 'Grabbed';
// Give all the plates
give platesToGrab;
And that’s why Bulkification is better.