Building a Blog with Astro

October 17 2024

368 words

2 min


In my never-ending journey of self-discovery and coding with purpose, I thought about building a blog. My main blockers were:

  • Why would anyone read my blog?
  • What would I even write about?
  • How much time would this take out of my day?

It wasn’t until I stumbled upon HackerNews, with all its interesting and mind-boggling content, that I started to dive in deeper in other people’s blogs.

On one hand, I was reading content that I thought I would never be able to create, either due to technical complexity that I was not ready for, or the elegance in their writing. I kept thinking to myself “I’m neither a good writer or a good developer”.

On the other hand, when I went deeper in their websites I noticed that sometimes these developers/writers would have blogging sprees, where they would publish a bunch in a month, and then take a break before blogging a year later. They would also blog about less technical stuff like what they did in their trips to Japan, or about a movie they recently watched.

At that point I realized my goal is not to be a content creator, or be viral with my blogs, it’s just another means of self-discovery and further put my thoughts into words. I don’t need to be the most technically gifted developer out there to write about code, or the best writer to write about my daily life.

On top of that, it was just a good excuse to make myself a personal website.

Tech Stack

After investigating other blogs, I kept noticing people using Hugo, Eleventy or Astro. I actually almost started with Eleventy but then I opted for Astro as I personally thought their documentation was much better and straight-forward.

I’m hosting the website on Netlify, again for their great documentation. The domain was purchased from Porkbun for no other reason than I read it has good reviews.

All the posts you see on my website are markdown files that are saved in my GitHub repo.

Styling has been done primarily with TailwindCSS and some custom CSS.

The PC on the Homepage

More information on this in a later blog post…

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